
Award for startups

Connecting dreams with reality, helping startups soar to the stars
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[our mission]
Bright stars should shine brighter, and our goal is to make them more noticeable to everyone
Startech.Awards is an award designed for entrepreneurs, uniting thousands of startups in the technology field and providing them with unique opportunities to advance their projects, capture the interest of investors, specialized funds, and major corporations.
1000+ startups
60 finalists
Maybe you'll be the one?
The winner in the category
of the Year
Showcase your startup
Первая премия для стартапов в России
[award ceremony]

september 13th

Премия стартапов Startech Awards ВЭБ Центр
ВЭБ центр Премия для стартапов первая в России Startech Awards
WEB Center
Информация о последних трендах, технологиях и инновациях в техносфере в Москве
Immersion in the atmosphere of innovation
Information about the latest trends, technologies, and innovations in the tech sphere
Получение фидбека от инвесторов и аналитиков по стартапу Startech Awards Москва
Receive valuable reviews and recommendations from experienced analysts and industry professionals
Нетворкинг для фаундеров стартапов, инвесторов и партнеров в Москве Startech Awards
Meet with potential investors, partners, and clients

Your star is ready
to shine brighter

Submit your application for the award today!
 submit an application
Participation for projects and presentations in the final is free.
Подать заявку на премию для стартапов, конкуср для стартапов в Москве, Россия

Meet the Organizers

Startech.Base is a platform that is part of the Startech group of companies, dedicated to finding and showcasing technological solutions. The mission of Startech.Base is to empower every Russian-speaking entrepreneur to change the world with their innovative product.
Startech.Base website
5 years
Startech exists in the market, helping startups and their projects.
technological projects have gone through Startech programs.
Акселерационные программы в России Startech
acceleration programmes conducted by Startech in Russia and the CIS
What is needed to participate in Startech.Awards?

To submit an application and join the selection process, your startup must be in one of the award's nominated categories. You need to fill out the form for your category on the Startech.Base website.

What are the selection criteria for winners?

The expert jury will evaluate the project idea and business model, the team, market presence of customers, the innovative component of the product, and its competitiveness. Pay close attention to the quality of your profile when submitting your application!

What will be in the event program?

The award program includes: dynamic pitches from participants, expert presentations by market leaders, announcement of results and awarding of finalists, networking, musical performances, stand-up comedy, and, of course, a deep immersion into the atmosphere of innovation!